
Name: Mithrar
Title: Living Legend
Age: 27
Place of Birth: Ingar
Origin: Mutant
Power Sets: Empathy/Electricity

Biography: During her studies as a scientist for the Crey, Mithrar stumbles upon a project that was not certified. From what she could tell, the project had something to do with altering human DNA.

After a few days of decoding, she finally deciphered the encryption. The data revealed some kind of chemical that could enhance the bodies abilities, creating a type of super-soldier. But there was a flaw. It seemed to drive the contaminated to insanity. She knew someone had to be on her by now. With no time to spare, she tried to leave the lab unnoticed, but it was too late. They had found her. A jolt of pain encompassed her entire body as darkness flooded her mind.

Mithrar shot up and a spray of chemicals tore through the air. Her eyes burned like fire but she could still see. She was alone, and by the look of it left for dead. She knew there was only one thing left to do: destroy whatever they were creating.